Au pluriel le sens est généralement différent,"regards croisés" désigne plutôt l'ensemble des regards posés, des analyses faites sur un même sujet par des personnes de statut différent, appartenant à des milieux ou exerçant dans des domaines distincts, par exemple :"Regards croisés sur la drogue", un forum où interviendraient à la fois des psychologues, des policiers, des ...
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Hello, Rajput07. I am not certain I understand your question. Do you want to know what you should say to someone who says"Please convey my regards to uncle and aunty"?
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The title is"Regards croisés sur le O-Getsu ryu (Japon) et le Capoeira (Brazil)". I just can't think of a phrase that accurately translates"Regards croisés" - I want to suggest something close to a literal meaning of"cross-examine", as the two dance forms are viewed in comparison to each other. thanks
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Hi, At the end of a letter or email, before the signature, I think we can use Regards, Best regards, Warm regards, Kind regards, What are their differences? I think their usages depend on the receiver and your relationship with the receiver. But I don't know how to use them depending on the...
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Comment diriez-vous: Nos courriers se sont croisés (j'ai écrit un mail à quelqu'un et ai reçu un mail de lui antérieur au mien après l'avoir e ...
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Whether or not regards is"objectively" rude is a question that will never get a satisfactory answer. However, we can clearly see why it can sound sort of mechanical to some. I have no objection to using kind regards instead, only I suspect this one will sound equally abrupt or indifferent in a year or so if everyone adopts it on a regular basis.
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Best regards, yours faithfully, yours sincerely Meanings of"Yours faithfully/sincerely","Best regards" Sincerely / Kind Regards Sincerely and faithfully in formal letters Sincerely yours Sincerely:faithfully sincerely/Kind regards/respectfull Thanking you, I remain, yours sincerely to whom it may concern / sincerely
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Dear friends, I am writing an email to a university and I need your help with ending it. If I know the name of the recipient, can I end it with"Best Regards","Regards" or"Kind Regards" ? What is the difference between ending a letter with"Sincerely" and"Best Regards"? Thank you very...
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French"considération" = English"regards"."Je vous prie d'agréer l'expression de notre reconnaissance" may seem a tad long-winded, but it's what we say in French where a simple"Yours gratefully" might perhaps do in English. As for a simple"cordialement", I personally keep it for e-mails, which are less formal than letter-writing.
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Hi! I was just wondering if there is anyway in spanish of closing a letter in a polite but not too formal way. Thiks like Atentamente sound a bit too formal in my opinion and I'd like to use something a lot more friendly but which remains professional like"kind regards" in English. Does...
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